Grace for the Undeserving           by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson




A Brief Look at TULIP Calvinism

Developing a ‘Working Hypothesis’

Purpose for Study

5-Point or TULIP Calvinism


1. Total Depravity

The Image of God vs. the Flesh

2. Unconditional Election


Individual vs. National Predestination


3. Limited Atonement

4. Irresistible Grace

Free Will

Ability of the Will

God Holds Us Responsible for Decisions

Prevenient Grace

Evangelism as a Means of Faith

Preaching the Word

5. Perseverance of the Saints

Abiding and Continuing

Arguments For and Against ‘Eternal Security’

Assurance of Salvation






Alpha and Omega MBC was founded in Chicago as a church committed to promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alpha and Omega is a community minded and family friendly church where a stranger can find a friend and families can worship together.


As a community minded church we endeavor to bring community minded activities and resources to our members as well as the surrounding community.


Our goal is to expand our community projects to include and after school program as well as an adult continuing education center among our services that would be of value to our members and surrounding community.



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© Alpha & Omega MB Church 2020