Our Beliefs / Statement of Faith

We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, infallible, eternal Word of God and man's only guidebook for living. (II Peter 1:19-21, II Timothy 3:16, Revelation 22:18-19, Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35).


We believe God, the Creator of all things, to be eternally existent, as one God in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent - attributes that are His alone. (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 3:16-17, 1 John 5:6-8, Luke 3:21-22).


We believe man is only redeemed by his faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and his finished work at Calvary. (Ephesians 2:8, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 9:7,1 Peter 1:18-19, Hebrews 9:14, Acts 2:22-24, John 11:25,1 Corinthians 15:3-17).


We believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. (Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:12).


We believe in being baptized in the Holy Ghost,  (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6, Mark 16:16-18) and the "Fruit of the Spirit" (love, joy, peace, etc....Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 7:20) which empowers one to walk in victory and experience the supernatural.


We believe in divine healing (Isaiah 53:5, Psalm 103:3, Mark 16:18, 1 Peter 2:24, James 5:16).


We believe marriage to be an institution designed and ordained by God and is to be between a man and a woman and as such is the only acceptable form of marriage, (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:7)


Our Mission Statement

Our Mission is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Primary

means to fully minister to the needs of all mankind for an everlasting

relationship both here on earth and the life to come, with the Father

and Creator of all, and to do so in the Spirit of Excellence.

Alpha and Omega MBC was founded in Chicago as a church committed to promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alpha and Omega is a community minded and family friendly church where a stranger can find a friend and families can worship together.


As a community minded church we endeavor to bring community minded activities and resources to our members as well as the surrounding community.


Our goal is to expand our community projects to include and after school program as well as an adult continuing education center among our services that would be of value to our members and surrounding community.



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© Alpha & Omega MB Church 2020